Saturday, August 15, 2009

Horsens Crit

On Thursday we raced a crit in our home town on a super hard course that went up a steep 500 meter climb every 1.8 km. A break managed to go on the second lap, it was 5 riders and we had 2 so we were pretty satisfied. But the rest of the group kept attacking on the hill and I was having a hard time following all of the attacks but I stayed in there as the peleton was shredded from 65 riders at the start to about 20 after 20 minutes. Two riders eventually got away and made it across to the break, then about 35 minutes in I got away with 3 other riders and it was much easier because we could ride relatively steady up the hill and not have to do massive attacking efforts every lap.

That being said it was still super hard, but I led our group up the hill every lap where all of the spectators were. So at least I was showing off the jersey in front of the home crowd, and Bjarne Riis who showed up to watch. Then with 3 laps to go, Ricky bridged up with a Capinordic rider so we became 5. Coming through 1 to go Ricky attacked and all this did was pop me off the back since I had been pulling up the hill. I caught back half a lap later and immediately launched an attack but they got back up to me and so I just led out the sprint hoping that Ricky could take it. He got 3rd out of our group for 10th, I was last for 12th. In the front our two riders finished 5th and 7th. So we were pretty active but the result wasn't super.

I then went home and had two hours to pack my bike, eat, and make it to the train station to make an 11:30 pm train so that I could make my flight out of Copenhagen at 6am to go to Salt Lake City for the Tour of Utah. It was hectic and then I got basically no sleep on my 29 hours of travel door to door. But I am in Utah relaxing now. Looking forward to some real hard climbing, the form is good so I am expecting some good things.

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